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Cell line development from food-relevant aquatic species

A lack of publicly-available cell lines from relevant species and cell types continues to be a challenge for the field of cultivated seafood. Addressing this challenge will require further investigation…

Cultivated icon Cultivated R&D Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Cell line development Seafood Academics Industry Startups Research Science
Mapping animal cell metabolism to optimize media formulation

The cost and environmental impact of cultivated meat are driven by the cell culture media formulation and its conversion efficiency into meat. Metabolic modeling and engineering techniques can aid media…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Production R&D Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Cell culture media Cell line development Species-agnostic Academics Industry Startups Commercial Research
Promoting stemness and proliferation in fish cell cultures

Efficient and cost-effective cultivated fish production will require precise optimization to encourage fast proliferation and highly efficient use of inputs while preventing premature differentiation. A variety of strategies can be…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Production R&D Cell culture media Cell line development Seafood Academics Industry Startups Research Science
Incorporating omega-3s into cultivated seafood

Cultivated seafood will need to be supplemented with long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids to be nutritionally equivalent or superior to conventional seafood. However, how these compounds can best be incorporated…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Production R&D Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Bioprocess design Cell culture media Cell line development End product formulation & manufacturing Scaffolding Seafood Academics Industry Startups Commercial Research Industry Science
Cultivated meat makerspaces to promote public engagement

Both the cultivated meat industry and interested members of the general public would benefit from the creation of makerspaces focused on cultivated meat. These would be publicly available spaces where…

Cultivated icon Cultivated R&D Workforce Bioprocess design Cell culture media Cell line development Scaffolding Species-agnostic Academics Donors GFI Industry NGO’s Startups Ecosystem Research Science
Co-cultured support cells for cultivated meat

Cultivated meat research focuses primarily on muscle fibers and fat cells. However, other cell types serve functions that are often under appreciated in their relevance to cultivated meat. Co-culture methods…

Cultivated icon Cultivated Production R&D Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Bioprocess design Cell culture media Cell line development Seafood-relevant Academics Industry Startups Commercial Research Science
Metabolic modeling for cultivated meat

Academic researchers or consortia consisting of several cultivated meat companies should undertake research aimed at understanding metabolic pathways and fluxes within cultivated meat-relevant cell types. The outputs of this research…

Cultivated icon Cultivated R&D Bioprocess design Cell culture media Cell line development Seafood-relevant Academics Industry Investors Startups Research Science
Understanding uptake and interconversion of omega-3 fatty acids by cultivated fish cells

Although fish are one of the best dietary sources of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (FAs), these compounds are mostly bioaccumulated from a fish’s diet rather than synthesized de novo. Consistent…

Cultivated icon Cultivated R&D Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Cell culture media Cell line development Host strain development Seafood Academics Industry Startups Commercial Research Science
Scaffolding development for culinary and biomechanical requirements of cultivated seafood

A number of published studies have focused on scaffolds for cultivated meat (see Related Efforts) yet, to our knowledge, no studies have specifically attempted to formulate scaffolds for fish or…

Cultivated icon Cultivated R&D Raw Materials, Ingredients, & Inputs Cell line development Scaffolding Seafood Academics Industry Startups 0 – Complete whitespace Commercial Research Science
Improving efficiency and assessment of adaptation to suspension growth

Improving methods for adapting cells to suspension culture can facilitate cell line development and bioprocess design for cultivated meat.

Cultivated icon Cultivated R&D Bioprocess design Cell line development Seafood-relevant Academics Industry Startups 1 – Inception Research Industry Science

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