What our work supports

We work to secure government support for alternative protein research and advocate public policy that places all proteins on a level playing field. Public support and fair policy will ensure that alternative proteins are affordable and accessible, leading to a more resilient food supply, more choices for consumers, and a stronger economy.

Driving a strong economy

From semiconductors to solar power, publicly funded research has enabled the success of the most significant innovations since World War II. These innovations have driven economic growth. In the same way, publicly funded research on alternative proteins will stimulate economic growth, provide more opportunities for farmers, and create good jobs. 

Creating choices for consumers

The market for plant-based foods has seen rapid growth in recent years. More and more people are also excited about cultivated meat and alternative proteins produced through fermentation. These alternative proteins offer an opportunity to provide consumers with the variety they crave. We advocate for clear and efficient regulations that prioritize consumer safety and minimize red tape.

Building a resilient food supply

Demand for meat is at an all-time high and is expected to continue to rise. Diversifying our food supply by growing the alternative protein sector will pay dividends in terms of both global health and sustainability, which will make our food supply more resilient.

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What our U.S. policy team does

The U.S. government plays a crucial role in creating a sustainable, secure, and just food future by supporting public research, fair regulation, and smart investments. Our U.S. Policy and Government Relations team works with leaders across all levels of government to tackle food system challenges through alternative protein solutions.

Our initiatives

Our policy and government relations team is an interdisciplinary team of lawyers, lobbyists, and policy experts. Guided by a belief in societal change and grounded in science, we focus on three primary initiatives to advance alternative proteins. Our international affiliates do similar work abroad.

A pile of hundred dollar bills

Securing government funding

Government support will accelerate the growth of alternative proteins. Learn how GFI works to secure public funds for alternative protein research.

U. S.  capitol

Ensuring a clear path to market

Cultivated meat must have an efficient regulatory path to market to be successful. Learn how GFI advocates clear and efficient regulations.

Politician’s hands folded over papers at his desk with a microphone

Advocating for fair labeling

Fair public policy is essential for alternative proteins to succeed. Learn how we’re working for policy that places all proteins on a level playing field.

Flags against a blue sky

Key alternative protein policy resources

We’ve put together an informative suite of resources, written by both our Policy and Government Relations team and global partners, to help keep you informed on the latest innovations in alternative proteins, the state of global policy, and the legal and policy solutions that address urgent threats to our food system. 

Meet our policy experts

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Jessica almy, j. D.

Jessica Almy, J.D.


Jessica Almy, J.D., leads GFI’s Policy and Government Relations team in setting an innovative policy agenda to accelerate progress on alternative proteins.

Areas of expertise: regulation, legislation, science and public policy, public health, environmental law, food policy.

Pepin tuma

Pepin Andrew Tuma, J.D.


Pepin Andrew Tuma leads GFI’s legislative team in advancing state and federal legislative initiatives that remove hurdles and leverage resources to promote progress on alternative proteins.

Areas of expertise: legislative advocacy, food and nutrition policy, coalition building, campaign strategy

Penny eastman

Penny Eastman


Penny helps to create a sustainable, secure, and just food system by advancing alternative proteins in Congress.

Areas of expertise: government relations, lobbying, legislation

Madeline cohen

Madeline Cohen, J.D.


Madeline Cohen leads GFI’s regulatory team in implementing regulatory, policy, and litigation strategies to support a clear path to market and a level playing field for alternative proteins.

Areas of expertise: U.S. and global regulation, domestic policy, and litigation

Mackenzie battle

Mackenzie Battle, J.D.


Mackenzie Battle supports GFI’s litigation efforts and works on regulatory and policy issues affecting alternative proteins.

Areas of expertise: regulatory advocacy, legal research and analysis, litigation

Michael carter

Michael Carter


Michael supports the Policy and Government Relations team by providing original writing and analysis in support of alternative protein development and deployment.

Areas of expertise: research and analysis, original writing, multilateral fora, global public investment

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Maille O’Donnell


Maille O’Donnell works to embolden public support for alternative protein commercialization and ensure that agency funders and industry stakeholders have access to accurate information about the alternative protein industry and public resource landscape.

Areas of expertise: Alternative protein commercial landscape, environmental science and policy, project management

Margaret badding

Margaret Badding


Margaret works with the Policy and Government Relations team to advance policies supporting the alternative protein sector. Margaret researches policy opportunities, conducts outreach to decision makers in the executive and legislative branches, and writes policy briefs, comments, and other content focused on alternative proteins.

Areas of expertise: Research and analysis, stakeholder engagement, content creation, environmental policy.

Tamar lieberman

Tamar Lieberman


Tamar Lieberman leads the Policy Department’s state legislative efforts and campaigns for public research to accelerate progress on alternative proteins.

Areas of expertise: policy advocacy campaigns, coalition building, state legislation

Sarah backer

Sarah Backer


Sarah Backer supports the Policy team by researching policy opportunities and using persuasive writing to engage decision-makers, partner organizations, and the public to advance alternative proteins.

Areas of expertise: Research and analysis, content creation, environmental policy

Looking up through legislative building columns at sky

Protein Innovation Nation Newsletter

Protein Innovation Nation is a monthly newsletter covering local and national updates around public research funding, regulation, legislation, and labeling. Hear the latest on key market updates, new reports, and opportunities.

Close up top view of young people putting their hands together

Support our work

Our policy initiatives are made possible thanks to our generous, global family of donors. Philanthropic support is vital to our mission. Connect with us today to discuss how you can help fuel this transformative work.