Online course: The science behind alternative proteins
Our open-access online course, The Protein Transition, explores the science behind alternative proteins. In five self-paced modules, you’ll learn about the biological and chemical processes used to produce plant-based, fermentation-derived, and cultivated meat, as well as the environmental and economic drivers behind these market sectors.
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Our massive open online course is a free and flexible learning opportunity available to anyone in the world. Through English-language video lectures and suggested readings, learners will gain an understanding of the science behind the production of plant-based meat, cultivated meat, and fermentation.

Module 1: Reimagining the protein supply to feed 10 billion
In the first module, you’ll learn about the sustainability and public health challenges associated with conventional meat production. This lecture will also provide a brief introduction to plant-based, fermentation-derived, and cultivated meat.

Module 2: What is meat?
In module two, we’ll cover the nutritional properties of meat, including the properties of meat-derived proteins and fats. Then we’ll discuss some of the qualities that contribute to the experience of eating meat, including texture, color, and flavor.

Module 3: Leveraging plants to create plant-based meat
Module three starts with an overview of plant-based meat. You’ll also learn about the roles of crop development, ingredient optimization, end product formulation, and manufacturing in the production of plant-based meats.

Module 4: Fermentation as an emerging production pillar in alternative proteins
In module four, you’ll learn about fermentation’s role as a powerful technological platform within the alternative protein industry. This lecture will explore how traditional, biomass, and precision fermentation methods are expanding innovation in this sector.

Module 5: What is cultivated meat?
Module five begins with a definition of cultivated meat and then dives deep into the technology value chain required for its production. This lecture also covers costs, environmental impacts, regulation, food safety, and scale-up for this burgeoning industry.

Explore our online course in Portuguese
Explore the science behind alternative proteins in this free, online course created by our affiliates at GFI Brazil.

Learn alternative protein fundamentals in Chinese
Our partners at the GFI Consultancy created this no-fee, online course to help Chinese-speaking scholars and communities dive into the science of alternative proteins.
Connect with us
If you have questions about our online course, please reach out to our team.
Related resources

Alternative protein teaching library
Bring more alternative protein content to the classroom using this hub of curriculum materials and resources for educators.

The science of plant-based meat
Learn about the science of plant-based meat. Discover resources and research on the latest technological developments and key scientific questions.

The science of fermentation
Learn about the emerging role of microbial fermentation in building the next generation of alternative protein products.

The science of cultivated meat
Learn about the science of cultivated meat and the challenges that must be addressed for commercial production.