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Around the world

Researchers around the world are working to advance alternative protein technologies. Alternative proteins are meat, seafood, eggs, and dairy products produced from plants or animal cells, or by way of fermentation. These innovative foods are designed to taste the same as or better than conventional animal products while costing the same or less.


Search the entire global database

Filtering options include: alternative protein production platform, technology area, location, active status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

North America

Use this database to identify researchers located in the United States and Canada

Filtering options include: alternative protein production platform, technology area, location, active status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Latin America

Use this database to identify researchers located in Latin America and the Caribbean

Filtering options include: alternative protein production platform, technology area, location, active status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.


Use this database to identify researchers located in Europe 

Filtering options include: alternative protein production platform, technology area, location, active status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource. 

Asia Pacific

Use this database to identify researchers located in Asia and Australasia

Filtering options include: alternative protein production platform, technology area, location, active status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Middle East and Africa

Use this database to identify researchers located in the Middle East and Africa

Filtering options include: alternative protein production platform, technology area, location, active status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Illustrated plant-based icon

Plant-based meat

Plant-based meat uses plant-derived ingredients to mimic the taste, texture, and nutrition of conventionally-produced meat.

All researchers

Use this database to identify all researchers relevant to plant-based meat

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

GFI grantees

Use this database to identify GFI grantees working on plant-based meat

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Gfi's research grant program badge

GFI’s research grant program

Powered by donations from a small number of generous donors, our research grant program funds open-access alternative protein science that addresses the organoleptic properties, cost, or scale-up of alternative proteins. Read on to learn about the projects we’re funding and find funding opportunities to power your own research.

Active researchers

Use this database to identify researchers who have active projects focused on plant-based meat

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Open to industry partners

Use this database to identify researchers open to industry partnerships for plant-based meat projects

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Guest lecturers

Use this database to identify researchers open to teaching courses or providing guest lectures on plant-based meat

Filtering options include: You can filter by alternative protein technology area, location, subject matter expertise, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Hiring labs

Use this database to identify labs hiring students, postdoctoral fellows, or staff for plant-based meat research

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, position type, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Equipment and facilities

Use this database to identify labs offering access to equipment and facilities for plant-based meat research

Filtering options include: You can filter by alternative protein technology area, location, lab or pilot equipment type, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Illustrated cultivated meat icon

Cultivated meat

Cultivated meat, also known as cultured meat, is genuine animal meat (including seafood and organ meats) that is produced by cultivating animal cells directly.

All researchers

Use this database to identify all researchers relevant to cultivated meat

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

GFI grantees

Use this database to identify GFI grantees working on cultivated meat

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, and whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Gfi's research grant program badge

GFI’s research grant program

Powered by donations from a small number of generous donors, our research grant program funds open-access alternative protein science that addresses the organoleptic properties, cost, or scale-up of alternative proteins. Read on to learn about the projects we’re funding and find funding opportunities to power your own research.

Active researchers

Use this database to identify researchers who have active projects focused on cultivated meat

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Open to industry partners

Use this database to identify researchers open to industry partnerships for cultivated meat projects

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Guest lecturers

Use this database to identify researchers open to teaching courses or providing guest lectures on cultivated meat

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, subject matter expertise, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Hiring labs

Use this database to identify labs hiring students, postdoctoral fellows, or staff for cultivated meat research

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, position type, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Equipment and facilities

Use this database to identify labs offering access to equipment and facilities for cultivated meat research

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, lab and pilot equipment type, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Illustrated fermented meat icon


Fermentation uses microorganisms to improve the properties of alternative protein ingredients, to create specific high-value ingredients, or directly as a protein source in alternative protein products.

All researchers

Use this database to identify all researchers relevant to fermentation for alternative protein applications

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

GFI grantees

Use this database to identify GFI grantees working on fermentation for alternative protein applications

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Gfi's research grant program badge

GFI’s research grant program

Powered by donations from a small number of generous donors, our research grant program funds open-access alternative protein science that addresses the organoleptic properties, cost, or scale-up of alternative proteins. Read on to learn about the projects we’re funding and find funding opportunities to power your own research.

Active researchers

Use this database to identify researchers who have active projects focused on fermentation for alternative protein applications

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Open to industry partners

Use this database to identify researchers open to industry partnerships on projects utilizing fermentation for alternative protein applications

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Guest lecturers

Use this database to identify researchers open to teaching courses or providing guest lectures on fermentation used for alternative proteins

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, subject matter expertise, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Hiring labs

Use this database to identify labs hiring students, postdoctoral fellows, or staff for research utilizing fermentation for alternative protein applications

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, position type, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Equipment and facilities

Use this database to identify labs offering access to equipment and facilities for research utilizing fermentation for alternative protein applications

Filtering options include: alternative protein technology area, location, lab and pilot equipment type, and more. Visit the how-to section for guidance on how to get the most out of this resource.

Collaborative research concept illustration

Join the directory 

If you’re an active or aspiring alternative protein researcher not yet listed in our directory, we invite you to apply! GFI’s alternative protein researcher directory will allow you to share your work on alternative protein; publicize ways you hope to collaborate with other experts, labs, or companies; and identify potential partners to help you scale up the impact of your work. As a member, you’ll receive curated updates on research developments, funding opportunities, scientific events and forums, and collaborators that match your skills and interests. 

An educator speaks to students in a classroom


Join the alt protein educator community

Join our alternative protein educator community and help bring alternative protein education into classrooms around the globe.

How to use the directory

  • Filter: You can filter the database by your criteria of interest—including, but not limited to, alternative protein technology area, location, hiring status, whether the researcher is open to joint research, industry partnerships, offering access to equipment or facilities, and more. You can also download the database as a CSV file. 
  • Connect: See someone whose collaborative interests match up with yours? Reach out to them through the contact information listed in the directory! Everyone in this directory has agreed to be contacted by potential collaborators, though no commitments are implied.
  • Collaborate: Be sure to utilize GFI’s many open-access resources for scientists and other innovators, including our solutions database and research funding database. Let us know if any meaningful collaborations spring forth from these connections! We’d love to stay in the loop as you work together to advance the alternative protein research ecosystem.

Related resources

A library bookshelf

Alternative protein literature library

Our alternative protein literature library features resources for plant-based, cultivated, and fermentation-derived proteins pulled by our science and technology team.

Research grant program badge

Research grants

Learn about cutting-edge alternative protein research funded by GFI. Find funding opportunities for your own research.

Young plant growing from coins representing funding and growth

Research funding database

GFI’s research funding database provides curated grant opportunities for open-access alternative protein research.

Glowing light bulb graphic

Solutions Database

Explore startup ideas, commercial opportunities, research projects, and investment priorities throughout the alternative protein supply chain.

Two people collaborating on a dry erase board

Alternative protein teaching library

Bring more alternative protein content to the classroom using this hub of curriculum materials and resources for educators.

A group of people chatting and networking

Alternative protein network database

Find trade associations, professional networks, and other communities of practice dedicated to collaborating in plant-based, fermentation, cultivated meat, and related fields.

A closeup view of a plated plant-based burger with lettuce, tomatoes, and pickles

The science of plant-based meat

Learn about the science of plant-based meat. Discover resources and research on the latest technological developments and key scientific questions.

A battered and fried cultured meat, a cultured chicken cutlet, plated with sauteed greens and mashed root vegetables | image courtesy of upside foods

The science of cultivated meat

Learn about the science of cultivated meat and the challenges that must be addressed for commercial production.

Fermented meat by meati

The science of fermentation

Learn about the emerging role of microbial fermentation in building the next generation of alternative protein products.