Milk producers in a froth over nothing
Matt BallMilk producers say they've achieved victory over plant-based milks. Don't swallow this white lie.
Milk producers say they've achieved victory over plant-based milks. Don't swallow this white lie.
GFI lawyers have weighed in to defend the free speech of plant-based companies.
The USDA asked for feedback on its Child Nutrition Programs. Team GFI weighed in.
The US Cattlemen's Association is petitioning the USDA to stop clean meat from using the word "meat."
GFI advocates for more plant-based foods to be credited under the Child Nutrition Programs. Learn why doing so is necessary to meet all dietary preferences.
If it looks like beef and tastes like beef but is made from plants, the nation's largest beef lobby wants it censored.
The pork industry has been ordered to stop illegally funneling millions toward lobbying efforts. Learn more — and get involved!
Here's what you can do to help us reform farm-promotion programs.
GFI’s supplement highlights two new legal developments since submitting its Citizen Petition. Learn why the developments demonstrate a need for clarity from FDA.
GFI urges FDA to respond to the Soyfoods’ petition by allowing new foods to be named by reference to the names of other foods. Learn why this is in line with consumer understanding.