To the Department of Energy on alternative proteins and biotechnology-enabled food production
GFI recommends that the DOE identify alternative proteins as high-value and high-priority decarbonization technologies within the food/beverage subsector.
GFI recommends that the DOE identify alternative proteins as high-value and high-priority decarbonization technologies within the food/beverage subsector.
GFI’s comment recommends that President Biden’s Administration form a federal interagency research initiative coordinated by the Office of Science and Technology Policy to support open-access alternative protein research and development.
In March 2021, The Good Food Institute, along with 60 nonprofits, trade associations, and companies, asked Congress to fund alternative protein research and development in the FY22 budget for the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the National Science Foundation.
GFI and others urge former Deputy Secretary Censky to prioritize open-access research for alternative proteins. Learn more about the benefits of doing so.
GFI urges former Deputy Secretary Censky to prioritize open-access research for alternative proteins. Learn more about the benefits of doing so.
GFI’s comment requests that NIFA support research into alternative proteins. Learn why supporting alternative proteins will be beneficial to consumers and the American economy.
GFI’s comment requests that the Committee work to establish an interagency Alternative Protein Initiative. Learn why doing so would support rural America.
GFI’s comment urges the Committee to dedicate stimulus funds to support alternative proteins. Learn why doing so would help create a resilient and sustainable food supply.
GFI’s comment urges the Committee to propose legislation to establish and fund an interagency Alternative Protein Initiative. Learn why doing so would achieve a climate-friendly food supply.
GFI encourages the Administration to engage in research that will benefit alternative proteins. Learn more about our recommendations.