Hybrid scaffolds for cultivated chicken


Dr. da Silva is working to explore a process to grow cultivated chicken on hybrid scaffolds of cellulose nanofibers and hydrogel microparticles.



Gfi's competitive research grants program badge, featuring a whole cut of meat within a magnifying glass representing research

Project aims

This project aims to develop hybrid scaffolds based on cellulose nanofibers and hydrogel microparticles. This work will create a platform to grow cultivated chicken without needing to co-culture fats.

Through this project, protocols for culturing meat on hybrid scaffolds and methodologies to produce structured and thick cultivated chicken will become available.

Principal researcher

Gfi grantee dr. Aline bruna da silva, professor, federal center for technological education of minas gerais (cefet-mg), brazil

Dr. Aline Bruna da Silva

Professor, Federal Center for Technological Education of Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Brazil

Dr. Aline Bruna da Silva has expertise in polymer processing and characterization. She focuses on biomaterials for biomedical applications and is the founder of Biomimetic Solutions, a biotechnology startup developing technologies for tissue engineering.

Gfi brazil badge

GFI Brazil organizes workshop on cultivated meat for representatives of ANVISA and MAPA

Dr. da Silva presented cultivated meat science to Brazilian regulators after BRF announced a partnership with Israeli startup, Aleph Farms, to produce cultivated meat in Brazil.

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