Optimizing media development for cultivated seafood
Webinar description
Join us to learn from Dr. Reza Ovissipour about his GFI-funded work to develop and optimize novel media for the production of cultivated seafood.
Dr. Ovissipour will also talk about his role in the newly formed National Institute for Cellular Agriculture, a USDA-funded project that aims to develop new adoptable techno-economically viable cultivated meat systems and develop new educational platforms for training future professionals.
Meet the speaker
Dr. Ovissipour is an Assistant Professor in Cellular Agriculture in the Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) and the Virginia Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension Center at Virginia Tech. He also holds a faculty appointment with Genetics, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology; Center for Advanced Innovation in Agriculture; and Center for Emerging, Zoonotic, and Arthropod-borne Pathogens. Reza’s program, the FutureFoods Lab and Cellular Agriculture Initiative, focuses on alternative proteins, cell line development, media optimization, and scaffold development.