Alfre Woodard interviews Bruce Friedrich in the Smithsonian Long Conversation

In an “epic creative marathon,” astrophysicists, filmmakers, chefs, inventors and more gathered to discuss the ideas that make the future look bright.
Alfre woodard

During the Smithsonian Long Conversation, Emmy and Golden Globe winner Alfre Woodard asked GFI Executive Director Bruce Friedrich what made him hopeful about the future.

This interview was part of an “epic creative marathon” where astrophysicists, filmmakers, chefs, paleontologists, inventors, activists and more gathered to discuss the ideas that make the future look bright.

Bruce brought plant-based and cell-based meat—and their extraordinary potential to transform our food system—center stage in this 8-hour relay of optimism. Their conversation emphasized that the environmental and societal challenges of rising meat consumption are colossal but very solvable.

Watch this short Long Conversation between Bruce and Alfre Woodard to learn:

Alfre woodard bruce friedrich banner advertisement for conversation

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Mary allen

Mary Allen GFI ALUM

Mary Allen is a science writer, creative strategist, and GFI alum focused on the intersection of sustainability and emerging technology. Find more of her work at