3 ways to support GFI this December

What if you could turn a gift of $100 into $400 of impact? What if you could help GFI win a (friendly!) competition for matching funds from a $1.29M pot? What if you could advance a just and sustainable food system simply by helping us spread the word?
Spoiler: All possible, all urgent, all deeply appreciated! Whether you have funding or social media charisma to offer, it has never been easier to join GFI in creating a sustainable, just food system!
Here’s a quick rundown of all the ways you can help make planet-, people-, and animal-friendly food the default choice around the world.
1. Give to GFI through the Double Up Drive and make twice the impact.
Five effective altruists are matching gifts of $100 or more from a pool of $1.29 million in matching funds. GFI is essentially in a friendly competition with nine other organizations to secure as much of this available funding as possible. Be a Good Food MVP! (In order to ensure tax deductibility, please simply make a gift on our website and then forward your receipt to receipts@doubleupdrive.com. If you don’t require a tax deduction, you can donate on their site directly.)
2. Get your gift double-matched by our dear friend Ari Nessel.
If you’ve been wondering about joining the GFI family of supporters, now is the perfect time! Our dear friend Ari Nessel is generously double-matching gifts from new supporters up to $50,000. If you’re already a GFI donor (thank you!), Ari will double-match any increase from last year’s gift. (If you gave $50 last year and give $250 this year, Ari will kick in $400—twice the difference in your two gifts)! Taken together with the Double Up Drive opportunity, $100 can become $400. That’s pretty awesome. Join us.
3. Spread the word!
Finally, you can make a huge difference simply by helping us spread the word!! Your friends, your family, your peers — they will be more interested in what you have to say than in what we have to say. (It’s okay. We’re not offended.) A shout out from you is invaluable. Tell your community about the amazing opportunity to have their impact multiplied by giving to GFI to support a sustainable and just food system.
Join us in building a better food future!!