Event recording

Event description

Interested in a quantitative approach to prioritizing seafood species archetypes for alternative seafood development? Join GFI’s Sustainable Seafood Initiative and four student consultants for an overview of the ArcheType Library for Alternative Seafood (ATLAS) database. The presentation will cover the purpose of the tool, how the new version differs from the original, and the brand new dashboard to enable easier visualization of the data.

About the speakers

Headshot leah greiner

Leah Greiner

Leah Greiner is a graduate student at the University of Colorado Boulder specializing in Sustainable Food Systems. She’s interested in leveraging emerging technologies to improve the sustainability and resilience of food systems. In addition to working on the ATLAS capstone project with the Good Food Institute, she is also interning at Altius Vertical Farms in Denver.

Headshot julia

Julia Park

Julia is a student in the Masters of the Environment program at University of Colorado Boulder. She hopes to apply her studies in sustainable food systems and supply chain management to improving food industry sourcing practices. Prior to her work with the Good Food Institute and the MENV program, Julia worked in marine microbiology and outdoor education.

Headshot emily

Emily Heckman

Emily Heckman is a Master’s of the Environment Student at the University of Colorado Boulder. She will graduate in December with a specialization in Sustainable Food Systems. After her graduate program, she hopes to start a career in product development in the alternative protein industry.

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Nora Long

Nora has a background in finance and agriculture technology. She holds a BA in Business Management from Columbia University and will graduate in December from CU Boulder with her Masters in Sustainable Food Systems. She is eager to leverage her background to promote agriculture technology as a means of scaling regenerative agriculture, fostering sustainable supply chains, and increasing access to nutritious foods.

Jen lamy

Jen Lamy

Jen manages GFI’s Sustainable Seafood Initiative to ensure that it proceeds strategically and with the input and involvement of key stakeholders. She leads cross-programmatic work to accelerate the development and commercialization of alternative seafood. Jen holds a master’s in environmental management from Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment and a bachelor’s in economics and environmental studies from Wellesley College.

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