Cultivated meat image library submission form

Contribute delicious images of cultivated meat to our library. Your licensed CC-BY photos of cultivated meat help generate accurate, appealing press coverage.

Cultivated poke dish by ivy farm 2023, cc-by ivy farm

Cultivated meat photo submission

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Share your images via Google Drive, Dropbox, Sharepoint, or other web link.
Select the licensing information that best applies*
By submitting images to this library, you grant GFI permission to include the linked content in a repository as part of the GFI project to improve the imagery associated with cultivated meat in popular media. You understand and agree that the images hosted by the repository will be accessible to the public via a link on and may be used by third parties for any purpose, including educational, informational, or commercial. GFI makes no warranty, either express or implied, that the repository images will be used to promote or will result in an improved perception of cultivated meat products and/or industry, and you fully indemnify and release GFI from any liability related to the use of the images by GFI or any third party. You hereby grant to GFI and to any third party who accesses the repository a Creative Commons CC-BY license (; this license is not intended to interfere with other uses of the same work by you. GFI will instruct (but cannot guarantee) proper attribution for all repository images. By clicking ‘I agree,’ you represent and affirm that you have read and agree to these terms and have the legal authority to grant the foregoing license and release.

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GFI respects your privacy. Please refer to our Privacy Notice to learn more about how we store and process your information.

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Photo courtesy of Ivy Farm / CC BY