You won’t believe who’s donating to clean meat

Israeli food company Soglowek not only launched a new plant-based line, but is giving 20% of the profits to SuperMeat. Double win!
Soglo's alternative proteins

We’re starting to see some of the biggest names in the meat industry make investments in the clean meat future, where meat can be produced without breeding, feeding, or slaughtering any animals. But Isreali food company Soglowek just did something completely unprecedented:

Soglowek, which is as well-known for its salami and sausage as it is for its kosher and vegetarian products, announced today that it is not only launching a fully plant-based brand, but that it will be donating 20 percent of the brand’s profits to clean meat startup SuperMeat

Soglowek CEO Eli Soglowek said:

I was born to a family of butchers, spending time in slaughterhouses since the age of 5. Despite that, I love dogs, horses and also cows very much and would like to transition to eating cultured meat that is produced by machines using stem cells taken from real animals without causing harm to the animals and without polluting the planet. I would like to invest time and money to do to the meat industry what Elon Musk is doing to the automobile industry. I believe it`s grand, and that is the vision, allowing me and others to eat what they want.

SuperMeat’s logo will even appear on the top of the packaging!

“This is yet another exciting example of the traditional meat industry supporting the efforts of bringing clean meat to life.”

Shir Friedman, Co-Founder and CCO, SuperMeat
Supermeat product

Israel is home to the international clean meat conference and is a hotbed of food innovation and veganism. At the same time, Israel consumes more chicken than any other country on the planet. 

Combine latent demand for slaughter-free meat production with the environmental and economic necessity of an eco-friendly, efficient alternative to factory farming, and it’s easy to see why the conventional meat industry would want to get involved in the clean meat future.

We’re impressed with Soglowek’s future-facing mentality and with its radical generosity! 

Next, I would like to propose that SuperMeat and Soglowek team up for a buddy-cop comedy where the unlikely duo — the young upstart and the seasoned veteran — join forces the change the world. Proceeds from ticket sales can go toward R&D, of course. 

To learn more about The Good Food Institute’s work to support the clean meat industry, click here.


The good food institute icon in white on a seaweed circle background

Emily Byrd