Food scientists: Clean meat is top priority

GFI’s work made the cover of The Institute of Food Technologists Magazine. Now alternative proteins are getting top billing at the group’s international conference.
Silhouette of cow with hexagon and dna shapes on top

The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) aims to unlock the potential of the international food science community by sharing critical information and uniting the industry’s best and brightest.

IFT is now using its powerful platform to spread the word about the future of protein production!

Ift magazine cover "is the future of meat animal-free? "

In the first edition of IFT Magazine for 2018, clean meat took top billing with the cover article “Is the Future of Meat Animal-Free?”  authored by GFI’s own Senior Scientist Dr. Liz Specht. 

This comes after our proposal to put clean meat on the agenda at IFT’s 2018 conference was not only accepted but prioritized. In fact, conference organizers received so many strong proposals on alternative proteins that the Annual Meeting Scientific Program Advisory Panel recommended they host a full day program dedicated to this important topic!

The annual IFT conference is the premier event for food scientists around the world, so we couldn’t imagine a better audience to engage with for an exploration of plant-based and clean meat technology and how to integrate these advances into the mainstream. 

Tracking the increasing prominence of alternative proteins within IFT’s community provides an interesting insight into the growth of the plant-based and clean meat industries: 

When GFI scientists attended the conference in 2016, virtually no one had heard of clean meat — something that would border on the absurd in a gathering of food scientists today! In 2017, IFT put plant-based and clean meat prominently on the agenda, led by presentations from The Good Food Institute’s senior scientists. 

Gfi presenting at ift next stage in 2017
GFI took the IFT Next Stage in 2017 for a discussion on plant-based meat

Now, opportunities in alternative proteins are getting top billing. As we commented last year, “The winds are shifting, and food tech conversations are no longer completely dominated by talk about flavors and preservatives. Now, it’s about saving the world.”

You’ve got work to do, food-science heroes. 

Learn more and join the Institute of Food Technologists where over 17,000 global science of food professionals come together to advance their careers, the profession, and the science of food. 

For those looking to build a better food system, joining this community at the cutting edge of the future of food is a great place to start. 


The good food institute icon in white on a seaweed circle background

Emily Byrd