Good Food Institute Director of Corporate Engagement Alison Rabschnuk says today’s blended product launch paves the way for the release of a fully plant-based product from the meat industry leader.

“We are very pleased that Perdue is offering a blended product, and we welcome this important step forward. By integrating plants into their core products, Perdue has started on the journey to diversify their offerings and meet the growing consumer demand for plant-based proteins,” said Alison.

“We are especially pleased to see another item in the meat case that offers consumers the option of adding plant proteins into their daily diets, and we hope that Perdue’s competitors will follow the company’s lead by offering more and more blends and fully plant-based protein options,” she said.

“Perdue is listening to consumers and responding to the meteoric rise in interest in plant-based foods. It’s clear from the research that consumers are hungry for plant-based foods that deliver on taste, texture, and nutrition, while also offering flavor experiences that are familiar.

“This is just the beginning. If the market responds as we anticipate, this could pave the way for the introduction of a fully plant-based product.”

The Good Food Institute has released market data from Nielsen showing that retail sales of plant-based meat grew 23 percent between 2017-2018 and exceeded $760 million, while total U.S. retail food sales grew just 2 percent.

“This is where consumers are going, and we are pleased to see Perdue starting on this journey,” said Alison.

“Perdue’s blended product is a way to help meet the needs of meat eaters and omnivores looking for options that are better for themselves and the planet. We are working with the country’s leading grocers to bring plant proteins into the meat case, and Perdue’s launch of a blended product fits perfectly into that strategy,” she said.

“This is a gateway product range that will give Perdue an opportunity to test the market and see how consumers respond. Given their wide distribution, massive consumer base, and reputation in the meat industry, the leadership Perdue is showing here in diversifying its offerings and introducing a blended protein option will have a significant and positive impact on the sector.”

Media inquiries: Maia Keerie at The Good Food Institute on 415 767 8973 or via

The Good Food Institute (GFI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit working internationally to make alternative proteins delicious, affordable, and accessible.