The Science of Alt Protein: Structuring plant-based whole muscle cut analogs

Event speaker
Dr. Mario Martinez
Associate Professor and Sapere Aude Research Leader at the Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Denmark
Webinar description
Traditional meat consumers represent the largest consumer segment and, therefore, plant-based foods resembling meat in taste and texture have the best chance for widespread adoption. In this presentation, Dr. Mario Martinez, Associate Professor at Aarhus University and GFI grantee, will provide methods to unlock the fabrication of plant-based whole-muscle cut analogues using less refined plant protein fractions and scalable technologies (e.g., extrusion). Results from minimal processing will highlight the structuring synergies among endogenous components (e.g., polysaccharides and minerals) and exogenous ones (fabricated fillers). Finally, the in vivo sensory description of these sustainably produced food structures will be discussed.
Meet the speaker

Mario Martinez, PhD
Associate Professor and Sapere Aude Research Leader at the Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, Denmark
Mario Martinez is Associate Professor and Sapere Aude Research Leader at the Department of Food Science at Aarhus University in Denmark. His research program focuses on translational biopolymer science, approaching the structure and function of food biopolymers, their binding potential to plant secondary metabolites, the elucidation of their complex structural biochemistry, and their food structuring behavior. During the last years, his team has also worked on the fundamental aspects related to the structuring technologies of semi-solid plant-based foods, as well as the establishment of green derivation routes of polysaccharides into high-performing biomaterials.