Event description

Global protein consumption has risen over 45% since 2000. As much as 63% of this increase has been driven by the Asia-Pacific market. This is partly due to the rapid growth in synthetic biology, which allows for the design of recombinant proteins that can be used for example in the production of alternative food products such as vegetarian and vegan meat replacements.

To keep up with the expanding market, food producers will need to stay up to date on the latest advances in industrial fermentation for food applications. By connecting with fermentation and yeast-based nutrients experts, food producers can optimize the production of recombinant proteins in industrial fermentation, for example through the selection of a suitable nitrogen source for the fermentation process.

Attend this event to hear from three industry experts about the use of synthetic biology to optimize recombinant protein expression for the food market. The program includes:

  • An introduction to the use of fermentation in the alternative protein market
  • A presentation on Allozymes’ technology for the development of custom enzymes
  • A demonstration of how Procelys’ NuCel® products can address nutritional requirements and challenges in recombinant protein production

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